The fast pace and busyness of life can often prevent us from stopping to “smell the roses”.  This hurried lifestyle can lead to a variety of issues, but one of the most personal can be health problems.  Poor habits in both diet and exercise can have a negative impact in the way we feel and in the way we live out our lives.

The soil for WellStone Gardens was cultivated over many years through a variety of life circumstances and experiences.  The path has been winding and rough, but always leading in a specific direction. Education, inspiration and application.  I believe years of experience has helped this to be very fertile soil and has created much passion to help cultivate others.

Making healthy lifestyle choices sounds easy if you say it fast. Educating about available options for health can be considered the “seeds” we can help you to decide to plant in your life.  We would desire to come alongside individuals, companies, organizations or churches help set goals and educate in healthier eating plans.  To educate through a seeing, tasting, doing approach.  To help with organization, resources, cost effectiveness and time management.

The inspiration is how we can help to “water the seeds”.  We can help with everything from ways to plant beautiful raised bed square foot gardens, or to help design personal lifestyle changes that fit individual needs.  The objective here is to inspire “growth”.

The application piece could be considered the “fertilizer” piece.  How can WellStone Gardens continue to encourage life- long, on-going, permanent “produce”? We can also help with larger group health event planning with children and adults or host events.  The goal is to develop community and provide resources.

Life is a garden.  Let WellStone Gardens help you experience it in a whole new and adventurous way.