Garden Update – Part 4

Garden Update – Part 4

New Addition

As Spring rolls into the heat of summer, I wanted to continue sharing garden progress. We added new gates to our garden arch. We have to use something at the arch to keep the chickens (which we love to have free ranging because they give us delicious eggs) out of the garden.  I LOVE the look of my new gate doors! garden gate 10









New summer colors are starting to bloom.  My crepe myrtle bushes are just starting to give me new pink color! crepe myrtle

Garden Guests

These gates may help with chickens, but I found other unexpected guests in the garden and wanted to share them with you.  Every time I walked through the garden arch I noticed a beautiful cardinal flying out from the roses that trail over the arch.  I looked a little closer and found a nest just at eye level with sweet little babies!  What a treat to see!  baby cardinals in roses

I have a small two tiered raised bed in the garden and I couldn’t figure out why the sage continued to turn yellow even though I was watering regularly.  One day as I was watering I decided to really drench that particular plant.  I heard little squeaking noises and watched as two little baby bunnies came crawling out from under the sage plant I was trying to save.  They were so cute, I had to leave them and let the sage go.  As the days went on, mommy rabbit showed herself more and more and became so bold as to stay very close to me and watch as I watered.  She never seemed to do any damage eating any plants.  The bunnies must have grown enough to be independent because mommy rabbit has moved them to a less busy location.  My sage plant did survive. baby bunnies in garden

Growing Fishes

The tilapia and the aquaponic system continue doing well.  As the fish get bigger, I was having a more difficult time keeping the tank clean.  Through some trial and error techniques, I think we have found a nice balance and it seems to be working well for now.  tilapia 1

Early Harvest

Due to the higher temperatures and some increased bug issues, I had to harvest all the potatoes and kale.  The potatoes were planted rather quickly in the large black tubs.  The goal was to try to transplant them later so they were planted pretty shallow, so I couldn’t add more dirt on top as they grew.  At first they exploded with big wonderful leaves and looked very healthy.  As the temperatures grew hotter (and I’m sure the black color didn’t help), the stems and leaves began dying quickly.  This was my first attempt at potatoes and I planted purples, red and Yukon.  We harvested a little over ten pounds and they have been very tasty.  Next year they will go in the u-shaped large raised bed and we will add dirt as they grow.  potatoe harvest 1

My kale was lush, large and incredible.  Bugs started stripping the leaves, and I didn’t want to spray it with any chemicals, so I decided it was time to harvest all of it.  I started all the kale from seeds with several varieties.  My favorite has been a purple kale.  After harvesting and washing all leaves, I took scissors and cut out all the large veins.  I placed all the kale in large freezer bags.  After it is frozen, I crunch up the kale in the bags so it takes up less space.  I use it in eggs, smoothies, meatloaf, sauces and soups.  I did save some to each fresh in salads.

I replaced the kale with lavender for now.  I plan to replant kale in the greenhouse to start all over again. kale harvest

The u-shape has some of the lavender, and the sweet potatoes and beets are doing great so far! ushapedgarden

Group Blessings

The name of our farm location is South Grand Farms because the South Grand river borders our property.  Technically I am WellStone Gardens at South Grand Farms.  You have seen posts on events here like the ladybug and butterfly release for kids (you can see photos under Kids Korner).  This past weekend we had a wonderful group of young adults come and stay.  The lightning bugs presented a magical display in the woods on Friday night.  We were awestruck!!  It was a total blessing having them here!

I hope your summer is blessed and remember – keep growing!!

Fun Workout Opportunity and Autism Artistry

Fun Workout Opportunity and Autism Artistry

Last week I went to an incredible Jesus at the Core Retreat through Revelation Wellness and Holy Yoga. It included a wonderful blend of scripture, worship, devotions, stretches and fun filled workouts.  I went with a group of precious ladies who are involved with REFIT (several are instructors). I learned so much! I am currently attending classes on Tuesday nights at 6:30 at Eagle Creek Church in Harrisonville.  The classes are through donations and the workouts are so fun. If you are interested in joining us I am including the contact information.  My plan is to be certified as an instructor in October.  Remember, exercise is an essential part to overall wellness, so find what works best for you and keep moving!refit Retreat

Shannon McCordrefit retreat 2

Certified REFIT® Instructor

AFAA Group Fitness Certified



The main part of this post, I wanted you to hear from a dear friend of mine. Her name is Janice and she has three wonderful adult children. Kaleb is her oldest  and he is autistic.  She has been a driving force behind this website and we have been working together with nutrition and exercise for her family: especially Kaleb.   Janice is very creative and artistic.  She has totally remodeled their home (including tearing down walls and re-configuring rooms).  She is an entrepreneur at her core.  Pull all these things together and I am watching “magic” happen with Kaleb.

I wanted you to hear her story in her own words because I know she will inspire and encourage others.  As I am involved in events and around larger groups in the public, I am hearing more and more from parents with adult special needs children. I know you will be blessed by this story.


Aspiration For One Young Adult With Austim

Kaleb is 26, is pretty much non-verbal, lives in a rural area where employment opportunities are extremely limited- sheltered or otherwise. As his mom, creative, but not a professional anything except maybe dabbling in various hobbies- I’ve always looked for ways to merge what has always been my breathing space with this unrelenting autism that is holding my beloved son captive. 20160605_162725


During Kaleb’s teen years I began making birdhouses for our farm, and did a few small craft shows, always with Kaleb- he enjoyed the social aspects of going with me. With the mentality of a second grader it never occurred to me that he could do woodworking. Eventually we tried the local sheltered workshop, however- this did not last, he got fired because he wouldn’t stay in his seat, he obsessed over a kid that rejected his friendship – talk about a low point in parenting… Kaleb wants the world to like him, and is very sensitive. He picks up on my ‘annoyed’ tone every time- and I have to stop and deal with it.

One fall we went to our first ‘big’ craft show- over a hundred vendors, all handmade, re-purposed crafts… I talked to some of the vendors and the light came on. Kaleb and I can do this! So we set up my workshop to be all about Kaleb’s sheltered workshop.  We name it “Horsefeathers Farm”.  I cut the wood out, and tediously helped him glue. …sloppy and painfully slow for me. The saw was too loud, nail gun- too loud. (even with hearing protection) He could hand sand, fill holes and paint. Painting snag.. he wanted to control color… Then there was decorating and tin roofs… too hard for him.

So, we make 50 or so- takes me all summer, and they are a compromise of quality- even after I went back & redid some crooked glue-jobs. We did some small local shows. He wanted all of the cash people are handing me. We talked about percentage. Serious obsessing. Stressful. I can’t do this.

2016, New idea, I hire him as an employee. He can fill nail holes, sand and paint (my colors). This spring he earned $30 painting my deck furniture and the welcome posts. Then, one day I’m in Hobby Lobby & see these simple wooden trays for $40. I think “Kaleb could do that”. I had a small stash of lath from a friends’ remodel- so we tried one. I told him I’d cut the wood & the rest is yours. Diane (his aide) and I worked out the steps and she meticulously assisted him through learning the steps. I happily did my thing on ‘my side’ of the barn, and he took ownership of his side. He took a paintbrush and painted MS on my work table & KS on his. (Mom’ side and Kaleb’s side)stenciling with help

We had two months to complete our set up for Vintage Market Days from start to finish. I saw some of the sweetest changes through this process. He arranged and organized his work space. He listened to suggestions, allowed me to help him. I saw the pride of a young man using his own vice and drill with confidence. Complete enjoyment working together, listening to music. He showed up on his own and worked until he was at a stopping point of his choice. With 27 trays, there was a measure of ‘sticking to it’. We did the math and that big number $300 was as high as the moon to him. He priced them all, sorted colors and was excited (and validated) when his custom sacks arrived… So many small moments of joy.

When his brother wanted to buy one, Kaleb shows him the price tag. No discount. Jordan reassures him it’s fine, “It’s just business”. So when I went to buy one & asked if I got a ‘mom discount’ he uttered the words in his low, gruff voice (that is so rare & I love to hear)- “It’s just business” I’m thinking this kid is made for this.   kaleb proud of work

During set up he took over carrying the big items- the posts and fence sections… (no argument here) I’m seeing him take initiative to be the strong man & love it!

vmd set up 3

I anticipated there would be some mixed purchases- (his items and mine), and credit cards, so I told him I’d divvy up the pay at the end of each day… what a fun time. He sold out and made his fortune on the second day! Complete success!payday smile

Like any kid, a parent has to expose them to activities, whether they ‘take to it’ or not. It’s true, success builds success. Several people asked me if Kaleb liked ‘woodworking’… I had to say not particularly, but he has discovered the feeling of accomplishment. Of earning real money on his own. Of self-empowerment. I think in time, he will come to love woodworking. He will grow in skill. I am curious to expose him to canvas art painting. I know there is some affinity with color. That’s a whole story in itself that goes way back to early childhood. I have the canvas and paint, so we will see.

Monday we drove in town and he opened his own checking account complete with debit card. Then we drove to this re-modeler friend’s house and loaded our truck up with more lath.

new lath

See more at

The Garden of Our Gut – Part 4

The Garden of Our Gut – Part 4

When exploring the “garden” of our gut in previous blog posts we have brought information about kombucha to the table.  In these posts, we have given additional resources that have given both the pros and cons of consuming kombucha.  Due to a widespread and growing support of both commercially produced kombucha and home brew recipes we are seeing a few posts that are more negative, listing that kombucha “is not a cure-all for everything from cancer to diabetes”, and I totally agree.  So I started doing more research and I wanted to list more resources for others to look at.          kombucha

natural news

get kombucha

kombucha benefits

wellness mama

This last one, from kombucha kamp gave a quote that I agree with.

“However, Kombucha is NOT a panacea – it doesn’t cure ANYTHING! It may help the body bring itself back into balance naturally. That is how it is able to do so much – because it’s really just your body working with nutrition, like any other food. Even though some think of it as a medicinal tonic, it’s really just a delicious and healthy beverage choice and one of many fermented food options. We love it because it’s easy to drink at any time of day and takes to flavoring and many other uses so well. Plus, making Kombucha is just fun!”

Why I Drink Kombucha

So why do I drink kombucha?  I do believe that a healthy gut biome can positively impact our overall health, including improving our own process of fighting sickness and disease.  I do believe that fermented foods are a wonderful way to improve gut health.  Here are a couple of resources that validate that premise.

benefits of fermented foods

gut health and fermented foods

I enjoy drinking kombucha and believe it is an easy way (and often more cost effective) to continually replenish good probiotics into my system.  It is refreshing and helps balance pH in my system, comparable to the benefits of drinking diluted bragg’s apple cider vinegar.  I can make my own and experiment with a variety of flavors.  When making my own, I know the date it was made and can try a multitude of tea combinations.

Garden Uses

Then I remembered hearing in person, and reading posts about how garden plants thrive when introducing leftover scoby’s to your garden.  I always have an abundance of extra scoby’s as well as kefir grains, so I chopped up some scoby’s and added extra kefir grain and took them out to my composting barrel to see for myself how they may help my plants.  Today I found more articles of how to use them in my garden and even how my worms will love them!

Garden Use Resources:

scoby’s balance garden pH

This info came from kombucha kamp under other scoby uses  as well:


garden scoby's

How Does Your Garden Grow?

  • Many plants thrive in more acidic soil environments.  Grind up or coarsely chop a SCOBY and add it to your soil mix.
  • Adding extra SCOBYs to the compost pile is a great way to return the culture to the earth.  I throw them in my worm bin and boy, do I have a lot of happy worms! =)  I use the worm tea to nourish my garden.

Why This Works

So my reasoning process is – if the scoby’s are beneficial for my plants, worms and soil in improving pH and nutrient absorption, I can benefit from ingesting this time tested fermented drink as well.  Ultimately each person needs to decide for themselves.  Many others who have used kombucha much longer than I, simple suggest trying it for yourself and see what you think.  I love researching this process and the history behind it.  I also enjoy the other information on totally different health issues I come across in my search. (This week I totally went down a Magnesium rabbit trail.  So fun!)  I would like to encourage others to search out all available options for your own specific health concerns.  If at all possible, I prefer whole food sources as health options whenever I can.  Explore the research as well as talk with your own medical professional (This week my medical professional shared with me about arnica montana as a homeopathic aid with inflammation. I always love learning).  Learn much and grow your garden well!

garden u-shape update 1

Family Fun Day Reflection

Family Fun Day Reflection

Worms, ladybugs, butterflies and honeybees – we had a magical time with them all at our Family Fun Day last Saturday.  We have so many photos and video that it will take a while to get through editing all of them, but I wanted to give you a flavor of the day and give details for how others can plan events here.  This post will be a little longer than most, but it was a very action packed day.

We started our adventure with check-in, which included a bag to carry take home crafts and prizes and bug costumes (to help protect clothes from paint and dirt), with antennae to help create bug spirit.  We started with a red plastic smock and added our black ladybug dots. All the children were adorable!  0

Learning Stations:


Our first learning station took us into the main garden to learn about aquaponics in the greenhouse.  The age range of this particular group was pretty young, so instruction was limited, but they enjoyed seeing the Tilapia up close.  They received a paper fish for their bag to take home.  1

You can buy tilapia to raise at alliedaqua


We moved out to the composting barrels to learn about dirt and different kinds of worms and how important worms are to help make good soil.  2Each child picked up earthworms from our worm container and placed them in our new raised bed to help the soil where beets and kale were growing.  We also looked at small composting worms called red wigglers and talked about the size differences.  The kids looked inside the composting barrel and we gave it a couple of turns to show how we mix the kitchen scraps we put in to make new dirt.  Each child got to choose a rubber worm to take home with them.  Worms are a wonderful garden friend. 46

You can buy composting worms here:  red wigglers


The ladybug station was our next stop.  There were plastic and paper ladybugs hidden all over the front yard, flower beds and garden.  Kids had to hunt for them and turn them in to exchange for ladybug stickers.  We made ladybug stamp paintings and set them aside to dry.  21The final activity at this station was our live ladybug release.  Of course we talked about how helpful ladybugs are in our gardens by eating harmful pests that can damage plants.  We passed out a cupful of live ladybugs to each child and let them walk around anywhere in the gardens and let them go. 13  My favorite was watching the littlest babies delight in allowing ladybugs to crawl up their arms.  These were precious experiences. 17



You can purchase ladybugs here:    arbico-organics


 We needed to transition into a new magical kingdom.  Again, due to the younger age range, we didn’t go into great detail about metamorphosis.  In fact, ladybugs and butterflies go through very similar life cycle stages. Here is a cute website to learn more.  ladybug life cycle

Our transition included changing our red plastic smocks to orange.  We walked through long orange and black streamers into the back yard that was prepared for our butterfly theme.  (The painted lady butterflies we were going to learn about are orange and black, similar to a small monarch butterfly). IMG_0098 After a brief instruction time of the life cycle of butterflies, the kids again went on a butterfly hunt for both plastic and solar hovering butterflies.  They were able to keep the plastic ones to take home.butterfly2  We talked about the proboscis of the butterfly and each child was given a party blower to play with and take home to show how it can coil and uncoil, just like a proboscis.  While the honeybee also has a proboscis, it works differently, but again that is information for an older group.  We talked about how butterflies drink nectar from flowers and each child took home large tissue paper flower crafts (there were many “planted” around the yard already made, or they could take home a kit to make their own).

The magical moment had arrived to bring out the live butterflies and release them.  I had nervously waited for them to emerge from their chrysalis in time for our Family Fun Day.  I was also concerned about all the rain we had and the cooler temperatures.  Everything seemed to come together perfectly and all but nine had emerged on time.  We gently pulled out each butterfly on a small sponge soaked with sugar water.  The butterflies sat nicely to take a drink as the kids held them, and then they gracefully took flight to start their new life.  It was so cute to watch the little ones say goodbye just as they flew away.  I’m not sure which was most magical, the butterflies or the looks on the faces of the kids.  It was such a blessing to watch. IMG_1977IMG_0078IMG_0076butterfly1

I had never raised butterflies before, so this was very new to me.    I worked with a wonderful company called Carolina Biological Supply.  I had purchased a variety of things from them as a classroom teacher and as a home-school mom.  They were incredible to work with and patiently answered all my many questions (they even put me in contact with their specialists to help with new areas I wanted to explore).  They were also very reassuring that the butterflies would in fact emerge in time.  (I felt like a nervous mom waiting for delivery, and they were very comforting and kind).  I would highly recommend them for any science needs.

 You can purchase butterfly kits here:  Carolina Biological Supply


     We were ready for our last magical kingdom to learn about another wonderful garden friend – the honeybee.  This also took a new costume change to a yellow plastic smock with black stripes.  (I also was making costumes changes of my own at each station.  That is a great part of the fun of teaching!) We touched on how the bright colors like red, orange or yellow can be warning colors for predators of insects that they can be toxic or dangerous.hb2hb0

We walked down a path through the woods to an area set up with two tables to learn about bees.  Our neighbors, Bill and Tarey Shipley are the beekeepers here.  They currently have a total of ten hives.  This station started with me giving a short explanation of the life cycle of honeybees with hands on models of bees and honeycomb to pass around.  I also briefly touched on the importance of pollination for our food supply and another great pollinator – the Mason bee. Crown Bees are a great resource for information and sent me a wonderful file to print. I bought this cute Mason Bee house here as well. Mason Bee Househb6




Bill and Tarey had an observation frame of bees in glass to look at, as well as all the beekeeping gear and empty hive bodies for the kids to paint. hb9hb6a


Tarey talked about how honeybees do a “bee dance” to communicate where they have found a large nectar location.  I don’t know which dance was more fun to watch – Tarey or the kids.

Some of the younger kiddos were getting tired, so we put an end to the formal instruction.  Each child had to run and find me a dandelion and bring it back to me in exchange for a honey stick.  Most of them made several runs for more than one stick! hb11 Even the grown-ups were making the exchange.  hb12One of the older kids wanted to put on a bee keeper suit and go to the big hives and hold some bees.  We had even had adults holding the bees with no special suit on.  hb14hb16To end the day we found a black snake on the path and decided we also needed to experience a “snake release”.  The oldest male student of the group held and carried the snake (his first experience at this) all the way back up to my garden to release it there.  I have a terrible issue with voles (field mice) making damaging tunnels all through my garden flower beds.  I wanted the snake there to help with pest control; another garden friend (unplanned, but very exciting!)  Families were welcome to stay for a picnic lunch.  We also had a box turtle we had kept in a large container that the kids could hold.  We marked it with fingernail polish so we could identify it and released it for fun.

Why Do We Do This?

Part of the goal and purpose of WellStone Gardens is to educate and inspire others.  This property offers wonderful educational options for families, homeschool groups and school field trips.  This Family Fun Day was our opportunity to showcase what can be done here.  We used it for fun, photos and videos for our Kids Korner section of the website.IMG_0086IMG_2048

With busy families and schedules, it is difficult for us to plan these types of events on a regular basis.  If there are any groups interested in hands on science themes or living history experiences, we wanted to give information for how to book educational or recreational events here.  We can work on the curriculum together.

For educational opportunities, the fees are $5.00 per child, plus supplies.  We need to have a minimum of 10 children.  (Supply costs vary depending on the subject matter and age of students).  Each group is responsible to make sure there are at least 10 students present.  Some examples could be learning about ants, praying mantis, gardening, composting, aquaponics, living history, more in depth honeybee or Mason bee information, local birds, etc.….  We have even hosted a bus load of kids and focused on an art theme.  It was a great time!

For recreational activities we have had birthday parties, church picnics (see link here: church picnics), ladies luncheons, and obstacle course events.  Fees are $15 per person plus supplies. We again need a minimum of 10 to book the schedule.  Each group is responsible for their own food unless arrangements are made. (No alcohol is allowed for insurance purposes).

Let us help you create your own special fun filled event!

Call 816-738-1308 for available dates and added information.

Garden Friends and Fun

Garden Friends and Fun

     When working outside in any variety of gardens, even front porch container gardens, there are more species of life participating than just plants. I also find it fascinating to look for personal life analogies outside in my gardens and my yard.

This week we are getting ready for our Family Fun Day activities, including releasing 9,000 lady bugs, 33 painted lady butterflies, and honey bee activities.  In the midst of all of this planning, we built a little over 100 square foot raised bed in the middle of our garden, which means lots of transplanting and more seeds to start.  I truly do feel “as busy as a bee”!

Raised Bed Addition

I am so excited about and delighted with our new u-shaped raised bed. It is 2 feet deep and 4 foot wide with the side being 12 feet long.  I wanted to give pictures of the process so that I can continue to show how wonderfully it can be planted and maintained.

garden u-shape raised bed 6

We have our potatoes and beets in containers and they are very crowded.  The plan is to try and spread them out by transplanting them into this new bed.  The rain this week has slowed that process down. (I’m not even sure they will make it as a transplant when they are so large already).  I will keep you posted on the results. (I am such a novice at all of this!)

*Total cute side note – I found a nest of baby cardinals in the arch of my roses, right at eye level.  So adorable!

Under the Surface

As we were hauling in dirt to fill this bed, we noticed lots of wonderful worms which are great for the soil.  This reminded me of the importance of worms and of composting, so I added a worm station activity to our Family Fun Day.  Worms truly are a garden friend that are often overlooked and underappreciated.  I even posted a gummy worm recipe this week.

worms 1

A personal life analogy with worms made me think about how we often have things buried beneath the surface of our lives that may need to be recognized, worked on and even appreciated.  If we focus on those things that need to be worked on inside (below ground level), then it can produce great fertilizer and intentionally make great soil, that in turn will create a healthier crop that is seen on the outside (above ground level).   They work at eating and breaking down rotten material and turning it into something necessary for health and life.   Sometimes what we don’t see working on internally is vital to what we do see externally.  Worms are a great reminder of this.


Over the years, I have done several ladybug releases in a variety of locations.  They are easy to order online and easy to care for until releasing them.  Ladybugs are a wonderful, natural way to get rid of harmful garden pests.  Kids love this gentle bug and I love watching their excitement as they turn them loose.  ladybug 1

Entomologically speaking, the term bugs applies to insects of the order Hemiptera. Ladybugs belong to the order Coleoptera, or beetles.  Almost all ladybugs feed on soft-bodied insects, and serve as beneficial predators of plant pests. Gardeners welcome ladybugs with open arms, knowing they will munch on the most prolific plant pests. Ladybugs love to eat scale insects, white flies, mites, and aphids. As larvae, ladybugs eat pests by the hundreds. A hungry ladybug adult can devour 50 aphids per day.

What personal life analogy can we learn from these incredible creatures?  Well, we do know that they protect our plants by destroying harmful predators.  We all have “pest like” issues in our lives that we may need to intentionally go on the hunt for to rid them from harming ourselves or other.  These may include harmful addictive issues of drugs or alcohol, anger issues, poor decisions concerning our eating habits, harmful attitudes or negative thinking or even pornography.   We need to destroy these “pests” in our lives just like ladybugs destroy harmful  aphids.  They also have several protective mechanisms built in to help out, but you just need to come here Saturday to learn more.


This is my first attempt at a butterfly release.  I started with very tiny caterpillars and have watched and waited.butterfly 3 (1)  So far I have 33 painted lady butterfly chrysalis and am praying they will all emerge before Saturday.  I feel like a mom waiting for delivery.  I have learned that different species feed on very specific plants, so I had to track down a type of mallow plant called a Tall Mallow or French Hollyhock for these butterflies. (Not easy to find around here).  I can plant these to attract painted lady’s, as well as put them in their habitat container to see if they will lay eggs on the leaves and continue the life cycle.

butterfy crysalis 2

The most incredible life application with butterflies is the wonder of metamorphosis.  In life we all have the beautiful ability to start out as one thing, or going in one direction, and totally change into something extraordinary – to spread our wings and fly.  As a Christian, the butterfly is the perfect analogy of being totally transformed into a new creation through the power of Jesus Christ.


I started with one bee hive over 9 years ago when we moved to the country.  I never really managed the hive well, so we didn’t get much honey.  Two years ago, our neighbors Bill and Tarey Shipley, took over our hive as well as starting their own.  They are up to 10 hives now and they have a small observation frame we will use for our Saturday event.

honeybees 1

There are so many life analogies to use with honeybees.  We need to be good “pollinators” of loves, joy, peace, kindness, and gentleness as we interact from person to person. (I also am learning more about Mason bees as incredible pollinators).  We need to be intentionally focused and hardworking, being about the tasks we were uniquely created to accomplish.  We need to understand the importance of working together with others as a team toward positive results.  We need to be vigilant and watchful at protecting our “hive” from predators and disease. (Honeybees often give their own lives in the protection of others.  I want to give a very special thank you to all the military men and women who protect our nation and give their lives for us).  But there are everyday tasks all moms, dads, grandparents, single adults, and children of all ages do to share and care for others to make a positive difference.   We need to share our excess “honey” with others to add “nutritious, beneficial, healing sweetness” in whatever ways we are gifted in.

I love all of these fabulous garden friends, and I want to thank all the wonderful family and friends in my life who have provided nurture, protection, and sometimes even beneficial “fertilizer” to help me grow and be fruitful.  You have played a very important part in the “garden” of my life.  I love you all very much!!

The Garden of Our Minds – Part 4

The Garden of Our Minds – Part 4

Lost and Found

Last year my husband wrote a blog post that somehow, someway got lost in the shuffle of computer cyberspace and forgotten about.  We found a hard copy that had been printed, tucked in a drawer recently, so I wanted to re-type it and send it out this week.  I clearly understand that not only did this post miss the deadline for last year at daylight savings time, but it is also late for this year.  I beg your forgiveness and ask for mercy in the timing portion, so grant patience – but the application of the content is still powerful.  Travel back in time in your mind’s eye to springtime daylight savings on Sunday, March 13th, 2016.

Non-Gardener Perspective

This is from my husband Steve:

Gardening is a passion for so many people.  I can only imagine what’s beginning to stir their hearts as the weather begins to warm up.  I’m making these notes in early Spring.  All next week the temperature is supposed to be in the 50’s and 60’s and this weekend it truly becomes official; the time changes.

When my wife heard that the other day, the first thing she said was, “I’ve got to get in my gardens.  I swear she said it three times over and over as she started to get that look in her eye.  “Spring forward” even sounds more dynamic and exciting than “Fall back”, and as busy as she is she will make time for flowers and herbs and all her vegetables.  Speaking of looks in her eye, believe me, it’s not a good time or place to be a weed or vole, or any other creature that threatens her plants.  That little woman can flat out wage war in her gardens.

I guess we are all that way towards the things we’re passionate about and I’m there to support her in any way that I can, because we are both deeply concerned about our own diets and the crippling impact our eating habits are having on our families, American culture and healthcare system.  I can get passionately behind all of that, but I’m definitely on the outside looking in when it comes to the simple pure joy of getting your hands in rich dirt and working to plant.  I love that about all you gardeners, and the beautiful things you grow.  You don’t have to love plants to deeply appreciate those who grow them.  Any man who has bought flowers to express his affection or maybe to help him out of the doghouse knows what I’m talking about.  From the corner flower shop to large public botanical gardens, to apartment patios; from yards beautifully landscaped to the window sills in your home—you’re all responding to a giftedness as old as man; a primal, joyful impulse to plant; to cultivate and grow.  garden gloves

In her beautifully done book, In Search of Paradise, author Penelope Hobhouse researched the history of gardening and she wrote, “The story of garden design threads together four thousand years of cultural history and personal vision.  Throughout history gardens have been refuges and sanctuaries; records tell of their abundance, comfort and beauty.  From the oldest known gardens, to the most recent designs, garden making has offered evidence of humankind’s ongoing search for paradise.”

Now, you probably haven’t analyzed that growing a tomato, a carrot or a petunia would go quite that deep, and while I bet she’s probably on to something, you don’t have to go there to appreciate where I’m heading with all this garden talk.  You see, we are all gardeners at heart, because each one of us cultivates an intensely personal internal garden; the garden of our minds.

When we consider the idea of our minds, we all understand that to be the home of all our thoughts.  Because we can’t touch it, see it or physically walk through the garden of our minds, we can tend to marginalize it, but it is just as real as any garden in the world and this garden has a most profound impact on every area of our lives.  I can think of no better analogy for the human mind than the vegetable gardens we plant every year.  We all know that we are what we eat; well it is just as true that we are what we think.

Seed Potential

I’ve said this before, but it is so foundational that it bears repeating; your mind is who you are; it is incredibly fertile ground and it will grow anything and everything planted there.  I can’t over emphasize the truth and power of that fact.

Google the question “how many thoughts does the average person think every day?”  The lowest number I found was 12,000 and the highest was 70,000.  Just average that out and it comes to a whopping 40,000 thoughts each day.  Think of each though as a seed with the potential to be planted in the most fertile soil on earth – the garden of your mind.

Every day, in a stream of consciousness, 40,000 thoughts flow through our mind.  We entertain them; reject them or allow them to be planted and they become rooted in our spiritual DNA; encoded deeply into who we are.  The implications of that are enormous.  Our thoughts say a lot about who we are and who we will become due to one of the most powerful laws in the universe – the law of sowing and reaping.  As surely as the sun follows the moon, you and I will reap the full harvest of every thought planted in the fertile garden of our minds.

In flower gardens, if you plant a rose you’re going to grow blooming roses.  If you plant tulips, every Spring you’re going to enjoy tulips.  If you plant tomato seeds, you won’t harvest carrots.  You will raise and harvest exactly what you plant.  So think deeply for a moment about the types of thoughts we plant in the garden of our minds; thoughts and seeds of joy, peace and tenderness; seeds of courage, honor and wisdom.  We plant seeds of empathy, forgiveness and love, but we also think and plant seeds of bitterness, revenge or indifference; seeds of resentment, self-pity or hopeless despair.  These seeds are guaranteed to grow and mature to affect our work, play and every relationship in our lives.

Sowing and Reaping

In your mind’s eye cast your vision across the span of human activity covering the globe today and you will be witnessing the harvest of all the thoughts of mankind.  We reap what we think and our harvest is revealed in every decision we make, every word we speak, even every movement of our body language.  Our thoughts are at the root of every action and reaction, in every moment of every day of our lives.

The more deeply I engage in this whole thought process, the more stunned I am at the implications, and I am going to explore.  If you too continue to explore your thoughts, I guarantee it is a process that an profoundly change and deeply enrich all of our lives; and what an excellent time to do it.  If you are a gardener, I know you; I’m married to one.  It’s Spring and you’re getting excited.  Whether you’re urban, suburban or rural, you love flowers, vegetables, berries and fruit trees.  You love picket fences, stone walls, bird houses and fountains of water.  You are keenly aware of the feel of the warm sun, the sound of birds singing and the bees buzzing.  Like a moth to a flame, you’re drawn to the sights and the scent of life in the garden.  As you enjoy working in your garden this Spring and Summer, let’s also turn or hearts and our thoughts to another fertile place of incredible hope and promise – the garden of our minds.

Let’s begin to stop taking that garden for granted and think deeply about who a loving God has created us to be and imagine all that could be planted in the fertile garden of our minds and harvested in our lives during the growing season to come.  It will take hard work, including the diligence of weeding, fertilizing, watering and pruning on our way to an abundant harvest.


Have a fruitful day!
