I love this time of year!  Spring is so full of new life, hope and anticipation.  During this incredible time of planning and preparing gardens that will produce wonderful herbs, fruits and vegetables, WellStone Gardens continues to plan and prepare Healthy Cooking Workshops.  This month we have repeated themes done in the past with delicious new recipes and new locations.

Last week our workshop theme located here at the farm was Healthy Italian Cuisine.  Our menu included three new gluten-free paleo recipes: Cashew Pizza Crust, Garlic bread sticks and Chocolate dipped almond cookies.  A very special thanks goes out to Linda Sheldrake for all her work of adapting and refining recipes.  I am so blessed to have the expertise of both Linda and Jessica Schieber when converting, adapting or creating new recipes that are always scrumptious.

The dilemma we came across this week was the vote on the winning recipe.  It was a split between the pizza crust, the bread sticks and the cookies.  We ended up with a triple – the bases were loaded!  In talking others who were not at the workshop, we have had the request to post the Cashew Pizza Crust.  In addition to tasting the pizza during the workshop, each participant made their own individual crust and took it home.  We all had a great time.  On a side note, the cookies were so yummy, moist and healthy that I ate them with my breakfast and as a special afternoon snack.  Oh the blessings of healthy cooking!

This week we have two workshops. We start with healthy Mexican Cooking and are going to use a fun new gadget to make our paleo tortilla’s.  I’m excited to experiment!  This weekend we are going back to beautiful Casa Somerset, this workshop will have several hands-on stations working with the theme of healthy foods for busy on-the-go lifestyles. We will let you know the winning recipes as the votes come in!

Our focus this month is to encourage setting small step healthy goals in all four areas of wellness.  Challenge yourself to start one new healthy eating habit, one new exercise habit, one new recreation habit, and one new inspiration habit.  Write it down and allow others to help and encourage you in these new goals.  Be blessed and eat healthy!