Nutrition: A Journey
Hippocrates was an ancient Greek physician who is often referred to as the father of western medicine. One of his famous quotes is “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”. As a busy mom and grandma, food plays an important role in everyday life.
Health concerns that I have personally had to deal with as well as issues with immediate family and extended family are real. Migraines, Crohn’s disease, heart issues, Celiac disease, degenerative bone disease, IBS and varicose veins have made the list. I am constantly researching and examining how to nourish the human body with the most beneficial ingredients.
I firmly believe that everything we eat at any time, affects our body either positively or negatively. I am learning to ask myself before I eat anything – “Is this going to help nourish my cells or not? Can this even hurt my cells?”
This research has led me to many recipes and many trips to the store. This blog, as well as the cooking Workshops I will be doing will be able to give you a condensed version of my journey. My desire is to offer simple kitchen prep tips that have helped me, as well as delicious recipes, time saving ideas, resources and networking. This is totally a work in progress so please be patient with me. Just trying to get this website and business off the ground has been a challenge. Constantly gathering new information is very much like “drinking from a firehose”.
Simple kitchen tips for the day:
If you don’t already do this – Chop several onions (I chop ten at a time) and freeze them in Ziploc bags to use quickly when cooking. Do the same with several different colors of peppers (I chop 12 at a time). Hard boil 6 – 12 eggs to use quickly in salad or as a “to go” snack. Cook ground beef when you bring it home, before you freeze it, so it can be ready on those busy days for quick meals (Mexican or Italian recipes for example).
Make of list of vegetables you routinely eat every week. Add at least two new ones to your list. Try to eat more of these vegetables raw this week if possible. Research the health benefits of coconut oil if you’re not already using it. I will post this under resources soon.
These are very simple and basic. I will step up the pace soon. Just a busy week.