
I want to explain, that while I personally do not agree with the Paleo premise, I do agree with Paleo principles. I do believe that in the past 150 years or so, our food production has dramatically changed, to the detriment of our health. This is not the place to go into a longer explanation (books listed in Resources under Food for Thought do a much better job than I could).  The recipes given here try to follow Paleo guidelines of being gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free and made fresh with clean ingredients.  When giving Workshops I try to explain that when looking for recipes, if I type in “Paleo” in front of what I’m looking for, I know the ingredients will be items I believe are healthy options.  Even when I have found store bought products with Paleo or Primal on the label, I am pleased with the ingredients.  Read your labels.

Recipes are always a challenge because everyone has their own individual taste preference.  I was often frustrated finding recipes online (even Paleo), and going to all the trouble to buy the ingredients (we live an hour from a larger city where I would need to go), taking the time and energy to make the recipe, and then being disappointed by the taste.  This forced me to start doing my own experimenting and tweaking with recipes.  When I completed ones that I liked, I started doing Cooking Workshops to share with others my journey.  The advantage to coming to a Workshop is that participants could taste the recipe before they went to the time and expense of buying ingredients and preparing something they may not like the taste of.

The recipes given here are the ones that were given good reviews from participants who also liked the taste as well as enjoying healthy options.  This does not guarantee that you will like the taste, but it does mean that it is not just my opinion.  There have been plenty of “faileo’s” along the way, but in most all of these recipes, I encourage others to feel free to adapt, adjust, or substitute based on your own personal taste preferences.

My goal is to help educate others on the healthy options available in making delicious food every day that will impact long term physical, emotional and mental health.  Food is medicine!