Fruit Gummy Worms
Course: Sweet Treats
Fun, easy, healthy and you can make any flavor you like.
  • 4 packets unflavored gelatin (1 full box ~ about 1 ¼ oz. if using Great Lakes brand)
  • *Note: I like using Great Lakes red can because I can add it cold and not have to boil mixture to loose nutritional value.
  • ½ cup juice (I blended fresh strawberries, blue berries and ½ banana with unsweetened berry mix juice in my nutribullet for this mix)
  • 2 Tbsp. honey (optional – I didn’t use any)
  1. Whisk together the juice, gelatin and honey (if using) and place in microwave for 2 minutes or until boiling. (No boiling necessary if using Great Lakes red can gelatin).
  2. Carefully pour mixture into molds and let chill until set.
  3. Remove from molds and store in covered container or bags in refrigerator.
Recipe by WellStone Gardens at